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  • How to breed Boston ferns? Culture methods and matters needing attention of Boston fern

    How to breed Boston ferns? Culture methods and matters needing attention of Boston fern

    Boston fern culture methods and precautions lighting, Boston fern likes bright scattered light, should be placed indoors with bright scattered light in spring and summer, when the sun is strong, it can not be placed in direct sunlight, the leaves will turn yellow when the sun is direct; increase the light appropriately in winter

  • Culture methods and precautions of Boston fern pictures of Boston fern

    Culture methods and precautions of Boston fern pictures of Boston fern

    Boston fern is a terrestrial fern foliage plant of Nephropteridaceae and Pteridaceae. Native to the tropics and subtropics, it is distributed in Taiwan Province of China. It belongs to perennial evergreen fern herbs. Rhizome erect, stoloniferous. Leaves tufted, up to more than 60cm long, with slender compound leaves, leaves spreading and drooping

  • How to raise bird's nest fern, how to raise bird's nest fern and precautions / don't get too much light

    How to raise bird's nest fern, how to raise bird's nest fern and precautions / don't get too much light

    Among foliage plants, bird's nest ferns are famous for their green and large leaves, and they have many functions and benefits, so they raise a lot of people, so is it easy to raise bird's nest ferns? The answer is very easy to raise, but how to raise bird's nest ferns? Let's take a look at the breeding methods and matters needing attention of bird's nest fern.

  • How to grow Boston ferns? Planting methods and cultivation techniques of Boston fern

    How to grow Boston ferns? Planting methods and cultivation techniques of Boston fern

    The planting methods and cultivation techniques of Boston fern are generally cultivated in bright scattered light indoors, which can not be exposed to strong light, but they can not be cultivated in the dark. The suitable temperature for growth is 15-25 ℃, and it can survive the winter safely when it is above 10 ℃ in winter. Although it is resistant to drought, it still needs sufficient moisture and should not be too wet or too dry.

  • How do ferns reproduce yellow leaves?

    How do ferns reproduce yellow leaves?

    Pteridophytes, this is a lot of people like breeding, this pteridophyte is so good-looking, how do ferns reproduce? What about the yellow leaves of pteridophytes: how to reproduce ferns: introduction to split-plant reproduction, method 1: directly take the new root balls growing in the periphery of the roots to reproduce

  • How do Boston ferns breed? Introduction to the breeding methods of Boston fern

    How do Boston ferns breed? Introduction to the breeding methods of Boston fern

    The method of reproduction of Boston fern Boston fern can be propagated by ramet method. Boston fern is often propagated by split-plant method. In summer, small plants with roots from stolons are cut from vigorous plants and can be planted separately. Cut off the small plants with roots from the stolons from the vigorous growing plants and plant them separately.

  • Breeding and breeding methods of bird's nest fern

    Breeding and breeding methods of bird's nest fern

    Bird's nest fern is also known as nest fern, mountain perilla, crown fern. Bird's nest fern likes warm and humid environment, it should be noted that bird's nest fern is not resistant to high temperature and cold, so remember to spray more water and ventilation when the temperature is higher than 30 ℃. Although the breeding difficulty of bird's nest fern is relatively low.

  • Methods and points for attention of Boston fern culture

    Methods and points for attention of Boston fern culture

    Perennial evergreen fern herbs of the Boston pteridaceae are a kind of drooping fern foliage plants native to tropical and subtropical regions and distributed in Taiwan Province of China. Drooping pteridophyte foliage plant, suitable for indoor hanging and ornamental, potted and vertical greening, its stolon cutting can be used as a decorative material

  • Can the culture methods and matters needing attention of Boston fern be cultured in water?

    Can the culture methods and matters needing attention of Boston fern be cultured in water?

    Boston fern is very hardy, but prefer humid environment, it is easier to raise, what are the breeding methods and points for attention of Boston fern? Can Boston ferns be hydroponically cultured? Culture methods and precautions of Boston fern: generally placed in an indoor place with bright scattered light

  • What if the bird's nest fern doesn't sprout? the breeding method of bird's nest fern

    What if the bird's nest fern doesn't sprout? the breeding method of bird's nest fern

    Bird's nest fern is a common plant, its efficacy is very strong, not only can be ornamental, but also can be used as medicine, at present, it is very popular with consumers in the market. Many people will not sprout when raising bird's nest ferns. In fact, don't panic, you want to understand.

    2020-11-08 Bird's nest fern germination what to do reproduction method bird nest
  • Breeding methods and matters needing attention of bird nest fern

    Breeding methods and matters needing attention of bird nest fern

    Bird's nest fern growth habits bird's nest ferns often grow on tree trunks or rocks in rainforests or seasonal rain forests, like high temperature and humidity, but are not resistant to bright light. 1. Temperature: the suitable temperature for its growth is 16 ℃ to 27 ℃, of which 22 ℃ to 27 ℃ from March to October

  • Introduction to ramet propagation of Dryopteris Dryopteris

    Introduction to ramet propagation of Dryopteris Dryopteris

    Antler ferns like warm, humid and secluded environments. In nature, antler ferns often grow on tree trunks or rocks. Most of the antler ferns used in horticulture are overhanging, often used as indoor hanging plants, full of tropical amorous feelings and unique flavor.

  • Introduction to the growth habits and culture methods of bird's nest fern, a shade-loving plant

    Introduction to the growth habits and culture methods of bird's nest fern, a shade-loving plant

    The bird's nest fern, also known as nest fern, mountain perennial fern, crown fern, etc., is a perennial shady herbaceous foliage plant of the family Pteridaceae. It is of high ornamental value and is suspended indoors with a tropical flavor. It is planted under tropical garden trees or on rockery rocks. Potted small plants are used to decorate bright living rooms, conference rooms, studies and bedrooms.

  • Can bird's nest fern be hydroponically cultured? what about the scorched edges of the leaves?

    Can bird's nest fern be hydroponically cultured? what about the scorched edges of the leaves?

    Bird's nest fern, as many people know, can be raised at home. Let's see if bird's nest fern can be hydroponically cultivated. What to do about the burnt edge of the bird's nest fern leaf: can the bird's nest fern be hydroponically cultivated? the method is as follows: temperature, the suitable temperature for the growth of bird's nest fern is 16 ℃-27 ℃, and the temperature drops below 10 ℃.

  • Maintenance methods of bird's nest fern

    Maintenance methods of bird's nest fern

    1. Water spring and summer is the bird's nest fern growth peak period, at this time to more watering, but also often spray water to the leaf surface, so that the leaf surface neat. And keep the humidity 70%, 80%, do not leave stagnant water, otherwise there will be rotten roots. two。 When the ramet pruning bird's nest fern grows to be very dense, it will produce small branches.

  • How to raise kidney fern

    How to raise kidney fern

    How to raise kidney fern, kidney fern, also known as centipede, stone yellow, etc., is a medium-sized terrestrial or epiphytic fern of the family Nephropteridaceae. The plant has a height of 30cm, a smooth leaf surface, a length of 30cm and a width of 3cm. The sporangia are born at the top of the superior veinlets of each group of lateral veins, and the cysts are kidney-shaped.

  • How to deal with the yellowing of bird's nest fern leaves? four reasons need to be understood / attached.

    How to deal with the yellowing of bird's nest fern leaves? four reasons need to be understood / attached.

    There are six kinds of functions of bird's nest fern, one of the most important functions is to observe leaves, its leaves can reach 75 cm in length, so it is considered by many flower lovers to be one of the most valuable plants for viewing leaves, but if it is not properly maintained, it is also possible to cause leaves to yellowing, so ornamental will be significantly reduced.

  • The breeding method and precautions of nest fern

    The breeding method and precautions of nest fern

    The breeding method and precautions of nest fern

  • Matters needing attention in cultivating Boston fern

    Matters needing attention in cultivating Boston fern

    Fertilizer: the fertilization concentration of Boston fern should not be too high, otherwise it is easy to hurt the roots. the best way of fertilization is to add rotten barnyard manure first when filling the pot (changing the basin every other year in spring), and then topdressing with thin fertilizer in the peak growing season. When applying fertilizer, it is necessary to avoid contamination of the leaves with fertilizer, if it is carelessly contaminated.

  • The latest culture methods and matters needing attention of bird's nest fern

    The latest culture methods and matters needing attention of bird's nest fern

    The bird's nest fern, also known as nest fern, mountain perennial fern, crown fern, etc., is a perennial shady herbaceous foliage plant of the family Pteridaceae. It is of high ornamental value and is suspended indoors with a tropical flavor. It is planted under tropical garden trees or on rockery rocks.

    2020-11-10 The latest bird's nest fern breeding methods and precautions